Event Felsberg

Mother's Day: Family service, with the 3rd graders on the topic of Holy Communion

Muttertag: Familiengottesdienst, mit den 3. Klässlern zum Thema Abendmahl (gdl_604166674_image)
Mother's Day: Family service, with the 3rd graders on the topic of Holy Communion with Rev. Fadri Ratti and catechist.


11.05.2025 at 09:45 o'clock
Evang.-ref. Church Felsberg

As part of religious education, the third graders are introduced to the topic of Holy Communion. The highlight is the participation in their own celebration.
Collection: Plankis Foundation, Chur


Evang.-ref. Church Felsberg

Obere Gasse, 7012 Felsberg

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